College Admissions Consulting

Who we are
Welcome to ONWARD + UPWARD! If you’re starting to think about the college process for your student, you’ve come to the right place.
The college process isn’t just about applications or choosing schools. It is a months- and often years-long process of connecting a student’s desires and potential with the right set of schools. The process of finding the “right-fit” matches (yes, there should be more than one dream school!) takes a combination of introspection, open-mindedness and conversation.
ONWARD + UPWARD brings together the components of this process with super-customized approaches for each student. We value the conversations and believe that collaboration brings individualized results. Our proprietary tools and frameworks create a thorough but unique experience for each student, allowing their needs to come through. And our experience – bringing the college perspective to both students and parents for a deeper understanding of the current college landscape – provides the best outcomes for all our clients.

What we do
If you’re a parent “of a certain age,” you’ll remember the relative simplicity of applying to college in the ’80s and ’90s: Choose 5-6 schools (or maybe just one if you were aiming for your state school), type a couple essays on your electric typewriter or word processor(!), submit your test scores and transcript and…wait! Most of us found out in April where we’d been admitted and could compare apples to apples. This process happened without much input from anyone, much less a formally designated college counselor.
The college process has changed.
The Common App. Early Decision. Early Action. Restricted Early Action. ED2. Rolling Admission. (SO…MANY…DUE DATES!) Test optional. Covid. A more diverse society with access to college. A college education is simultaneously more out of reach financially yet more desired – a necessity for almost any career path. All of these factors have conspired to make the college process intense for students and stressful for parents.
But it doesn’t have to be. Having an impartial third-party guide can take the pressure off, allowing your student to explore options and find the right fit.
The college process can and should be FUN – it's a process of self-discovery, self-knowledge and ultimately empowerment, often the first time a teenager has been asked about herself. Happy outcomes are in large part a factor of being open-minded and realistic, and my role is to guide the self-reflection that ultimately leads to a mature choice of options and possibilities – probably including some that you wouldn’t even have thought of at the beginning of our time together.

How it works
There are two sides to the college process: science and art. Yes, there’s data, number crunching and project management, but there’s also conversation and consultation; when done thoughtfully and with intent, the combination makes for a seamless process.
There are also “seasons” – certain things to discuss and achieve during sophomore, junior and senior years, and of course standardized testing (if your student chooses this option), test prep, essay writing, visiting schools, interviews, etc. All of these moving parts have to be managed and mastered to create a successful outcome.
In general, a thorough college process includes –
In-depth interviews with student – and, separately, with parents – to assess needs and set goals
Advisor as “buffer” between student and parents, advocating for student while understanding parents’ hopes and dreams too
Identifying student's passions, aptitudes and priorities
Academic, social-emotional and possibly career assessments
Educational and personal histories, including transcript, standardized test scores and any other educational testing
Mentoring throughout the discernment process and encouraging growth both in and out of the classroom
Evaluating course load and extracurriculars to align with college goal
Supporting parents as their child becomes more independent
Open-minded outlook by students and parents re: needs, location, size, happiness – all factors that go into choosing a school
Identifying appropriate “right-fit” schools for initial and then pared-down list
Preparation and logistics for effective college visits
Project management: tracking timelines and deadlines, “keeping the train rolling”
Supporting students during the application process
All aspects of essay writing: choice of topic(s), writing strategies, feedback, revisions and understanding the colleges’ perspective
Conversation about paying for college & referral to specialist if this is a high priority for your family
Regular communication from our first meeting through final college decision
Most importantly, supporting the student at every step of the way! I’m your child’s biggest fan
You’ll see many of these themes repeated in ONWARD + UPWARD’s packages and in the wording of our contract.
At the end of the process, students will know themselves well and have the confidence (and courage!) to choose the school that’s right for them – not the “most popular” school, not the “most prestigious” school, not where their friend is going. Instead, a mature, considered choice based on months or years of diligent work leading to a happy and satisfied outcome for student and family.

About Ann
I come by this work honestly – and with genuine, deep interest in all sides of the college equation.
After years working at a Bay Area nonprofit that funded many education-focused and college success organizations, I was shocked by the disparity between my own children’s college process and the lack of resources for underserved – but bright and equally deserving – students. Digging deeper led to a position in UC Berkeley’s undergraduate admissions office, holistically reading thousands of applications. It’s the most grueling yet rewarding work I’ve ever done and provided real insight into how colleges view applicants and where teens are at mentally, emotionally and academically in this fraught moment.
After completing Cal’s highly regarded College and Career Counseling Program in record time, I’ve been working with all kinds of students, and I’m very proud to devote time to first-gen, underserved high school seniors in San Francisco and Marin counties. It’s truly an honor and privilege to get to know this amazing group of future leaders!
As for my own educational path: public high school in Southern California, BA from Brown University, MBA from UCLA, college counseling certificate from UC Berkeley. For more information, feel free to visit my LinkedIn profile. (And where are my kids? They’ve each followed their bliss to their dream schools: the University of Chicago, Washington & Lee University, Swarthmore College and University of St. Andrew’s - Scotland.)
When I’m not working with your student (or reading a book or listening to a podcast about college admissions), you can find me hiking in the Presidio or at Land’s End, or walking my Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, Scotch, at Baker Beach.

The Onward + Upward difference
As the mom of three thriving college students, I've been through it myself – successfully, with super happy kids and sanity intact – and combine my love of working with teenagers with the following experience to give your child a positive college process:
I work personally with each student – I’m not farming out your child to a team
I’ve worked with 100+ students – name a GPA between 2.0 and 5.0, I’ve been there
Former UC Berkeley admissions reader – I’ve read close to 2,500 applications (that's more than 10,000 essays!)
Admissions work at Brown University and UCLA
College admissions advisor at renowned community-based organization 10,000 Degrees – I love working with public school students
Certificate in College Admissions & Career Planning from UC Berkeley, where I serve on the program's Advisory Board
Member, IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association) – this affiliation gives me access to advice and information from seasoned college counselors across the U.S.
Member, WACAC (Western Association for College Admission Counseling) – giving me access to more specific knowledge about college admissions in California and the West
Graduate, The Student Athlete Advisors' counselor course – I am trained in counseling prospective college athletes and understand the unique challenges and demands this demographic faces
I truly love working with teenagers. It's not random that I've chosen to work with this age group; after all, educational counselors work with students of all ages, but this age – finishing high school, entering college – is really special. It can be full of joy, heartbreak, self-discovery, figuring out who you are, what environment you thrive in, who you want your friends to be…and many more emotions and milestones.
Being a teenager has always been filled with possibility and perhaps a sense of confusion, but teenagers today face a difficult landscape (more than the typical highs and lows that we might recall) – and I experienced that first-hand, reading 10,000+ personal essays that often talked about how hard it is to be a teenager.
I feel privileged to work with students at this important juncture in their lives, making the process seamless, and to help families maintain positive relationships through what can be a stressful time.
I have a soft spot for teen boys who can sometimes be left behind in this process compared to their more mature female classmates (yes, science shows that girls are, on average, two years ahead in brain maturity). Teen girls in general have higher executive functioning; boys may need a little more support to get through the process. I’ve sat with kids as they push the “send” button on their applications – if that’s needed to get your child over the finish line, I’m there!
Applying to college can be an exciting turning point – it’s so rewarding to watch students blossom and mature into the adults they will soon become.
P.S. I’m surprised how many college advisors have not been through the college process themselves (as parents) and/or don’t know any teenagers outside of their work life. As a mom of three, I’ve lived the college process with kids who each wanted something very different…and got their dream schools.

Services / Pricing
Cruise around the web a bit and you’ll find many college counselors but almost none that openly share their fees with you; instead: “Contact us for more information!” Honesty and openness is key to the college process, so when I launched ONWARD + UPWARD, I committed to openly sharing the cost of this investment – and it IS an investment – with you.
All-inclusive packages make the process easier for everyone. You know what’s included, and I can devote appropriate attention to each student. Hourly consulting is available, but “package” clients have preference for meeting dates on the calendar.
I work with a limited number of students each year. While I have a stable of expert colleagues available for consultation, all students work directly (and only) with me.
Menu of services and current pricing:

The Comprehensive
The Comprehensive starts second semester of junior year, carrying you through to the end of the college process. What makes you, you? Where will you flourish and thrive? What is your authentic narrative?
Super-personalized support is focused on (1) having a college list filled with schools you’d love to attend, (2) staying positive and committed to the process and (3) optionality, and could include all or most of the following, depending on student:
Overall timeline with milestones & assignments to keep student (and parents) on track
Course selection and extracurricular guidance for both school year and summer
Evaluation of need / strategy for standardized testing (ACT/SAT), timing and test prep referrals
Researching and identifying right-fit colleges in collaboration with student and parents
Creating a personalized college list based on interest, academics, culture, community, financial fit and future goals
Recommendations and resources for campus visits, including tours, meeting current students and professors, trip logistics
Assessments (personality, interest, aptitude) to dig deeper and assist with planning
Discernment of possible majors, career interests and overall life goals
Interview prep
Creating a resume highlighting academics, work and volunteer experience, skills and strengths
Advice on teacher and counselor recommendations
All aspects of applications: support with essays, extracurriculars, additional questions
Review of applications “wearing my college admissions hat” (how will your application be received in the admissions office?)
Assistance with making final decision about which college to attend, including comparisons of academics, majors and financial aid packages
Average number of hours dedicated to your student: 50-60
$9,000 (domestic students)
Price increases January 1 of junior year
Ask about international student fee

The Comprehensive for Athletes
Getting recruited is not just about your skill on the field or court – colleges are looking for the “total package” in their student-athletes.
The Comprehensive for Athletes provides additional support for getting organized, planning ahead for showcases and ID camps, and sharing your academic side with college coaches. (And don’t forget that you still have to submit an application, just like everyone else!)
While the process varies by sport and school, having ONWARD + UPWARD by your side throughout the process will keep you on track and focused.
This process generally starts during your student’s sophomore year.
$10,000 (domestic students)

Sophomore Add-on
Need a little more guidance, a little sooner? I’m happy to start working with your student sophomore year. We'll talk about course selection, summer activities & jobs, testing strategy...to give your child a realistic sense of the college process.​
+ $1,000 to The Comprehensive or The Athlete

Thinking about what comes after high school? By this point, your child has already gotten to know me as a trusted adult (who’s not their parent).
The Transitions package provides additional guidance for the big transition from high school to college and could include help with course & major selection, housing options, college social life, logistics of getting to and from school, setting expectations, time management in college, understanding resources available in college including academic support – everything that comes AFTER your student has made a college match. (Specifics will depend on student and their personal journey.)
Average number of hours dedicated to your student: 5-10

Hourly Consulting
If hourly assistance sounds more appropriate for you, let’s talk. Hourly clients commit to a minimum of 4 hours. Payment requested before we meet.
Hourly counseling could be appropriate for
Developing a resume
Scholarship application prep
Minor essay editing, revision and “last set of eyes”
Final Common App or UC app review before pressing send
Foundational athletic recruitment advising, including process overview and timing
“Parent to parent” conversations / reality checks
Hourly rate: $400/hour

Senior Essentials
It’s the summer before senior year and you’ve JUST started thinking about college? This one’s for you. This package crunches most of The Comprehensive’s services into a super-tight timeline – there’s just as much to do, but not much time to do it! (But never fear, it will get done.) Eliminate guesswork, address challenges, accentuate the positive – and meet your deadlines.
We’ll generally start working together the summer before senior year.
Average number of hours dedicated to your student:
$8,000 (domestic students) - subject to availability

The Write Stuff
Essays only – Common App personal statement, supplementary essays, plus any other essays needed for your applications.
We’ll generally start working together the summer before senior year.
Average number of hours dedicated to your student: 25-35
$7,000 (domestic students) - subject to availability

California Dreaming
(UC/CSU only)
Ask about this package if you are considering only California public universities. As a former Cal reader, I know what the UC's expect on an application.

Freshman Add-on
Already thinking about college? I’ve got you.

Early Bird (8th Grade)
Just want to start the conversation or wondering how your high school selection might factor into the college process? Let’s chat. The Early Bird package gives your student a strong foundation and helps to get them excited about high school (and the eventual college process) while keeping stress at bay. Tailored to each student but could include:
Guidance for course selection in their new high school environment
Assessments (interest, learning style, personality) to give your student self-knowledge and self-assurance as they enter high school
Exploration of extracurricular, volunteer and work experiences that match their interests and strengths – or a gentle push to explore something totally new!
Time management skills for high school life
Self-advocacy skills
Encouragement to be curious & try new things, more deeply explore existing interests and contribute to school (and broader) community as a maturing teen
Onward + Upward
Ready to get started? Let’s go (to college)!
Signed contract and payment required to begin work –
thank you.
~ SCROLL DOWN for additional resources, contract, college visits and college admits ~

Helpful Resources
The Fiske Guide to Colleges - by Edward B. Fiske (purchase the most recent edition)
Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania - by Frank Bruni (2015)
Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions - by Jeffrey Selingo (2020)
Helpful websites
College Essay Guy - https://www.collegeessayguy.com/
(check out his podcast)​
Campus Pride - https://www.campuspride.org/
Public Honors Colleges - https://publicuniversityhonors.com/
Public Liberal Arts Colleges - http://coplac.org/
Tutoring, including SAT/ACT prep
Mindful Tutor - http://www.mindfultutor.com/
Paul Treadwell - treadwell.paul@gmail.com - Yale/Stanford-educated
Applerouth - https://www.applerouth.com/
Compass - https://www.compassprep.com/ - SAT/ACT practice tests
Khan Academy (FREE!) - https://www.khanacademy.org/digital-sat
Help with high school / boarding school admissions
Kristen Daniel - Shine Educational Consulting
415.845.9607 / kristenodaniel@gmail.com
Teebie Saunders - Saunders Education Consulting
The Power of Three
I'm proud to be part of TRIO, a college counseling collective, which gives my students access to the additional expertise of Erin Gordon Grady and Kathryn Crosby, both based in Southern California. Our complementary skill sets provide the most full-bodied advice to our clients. While your student will work only with me as lead counselor, behind the scenes there is consultation and data sharing to produce optimal results.
Other worthy information about the college admissions process
Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think about Colleges - by Loren Pope (2012)
CTCL Website - https://ctcl.org/
The Years that Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us - by Paul Tough (2019)
The Real World of College - by Wendy Fischman & Howard Gardner (2022)
Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life - by William Deresiewicz (2015)
The Black Family's Guide to College Admissions: A Conversation about Education, Parenting and Race - by Fields & Herndon-Brown (2022)
How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success - by Julie Lythcott-Haims (2015)
Erasing the Finish Line - by Ana Homayoun (2023)
171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions - by Mark Stucker (2017)
WOW Writing Workshop: How to Write an Effective College Application Essay - by Kim Lifton & Susan Knoppow (2018)
50 Successful Swarthmore Application Essays - by William Han & Sean Cheng (2020)
The Hidden Ivies: 63 of America's Top Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities - by Howard Greene & Matthew Greene (2016)
The College Finder: Choose the School That's Right for You! - by Steven R. Antonoff (2008)
College Match: A Blueprint for Choosing the Best School for You - by Steven R. Antonoff (2019)
Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know about Getting into College - by Sally Springer, Jon Reider & Joyce Vining Morgan (2017)
Generation Z Goes to College - by Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace (2016)
There's no better way to understand a college - its offerings, students, ethos and vibe - than visiting its campus. I've visited well over 200 college campuses so that I can give Onward + Upward students the best advice.
Campus visits (sample list)
American University
Amherst College
Arizona State University
Atlantic Cape College
Bard College
Baylor University
Belmont University
Bennett College
Birkbeck, University of London
Bob Jones University
Boston University
Bowdoin College
Brown University
Bryant University
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Cabrini University
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal State Channel Islands
Cal State Northridge
Cañada College
Carolina University
Case Western Reserve University
Cedar Crest College
Chapman University
The Citadel
City College of San Francisco
City of Glasgow College
City of London College
City St George's, University of London
Clackamas Community College
Claremont McKenna College
Clemson University
Coastal Carolina University
Coe College
Colgate University
College of Central London
College of Charleston
College of the Canyons
College of the Holy Cross
College of Marin
The College of William & Mary
The College of New Jersey
Colorado State University
Columbia College
Columbia University
Compton College
Concordia University Irvine
Connecticut College
Converse University
Cornell College (Iowa)
Coventry University London
Cuesta College
Dartmouth College
Davidson College
Denison University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Drew University
Drexel University
Duke University
El Camino College
Eastern University
Elon University
Endicott College
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Florham
Fisk University
Franklin & Marshall College
Furman University
George Washington University
Georgetown University
Gettysburg College
GCU London/Shoreditch
Glasgow Caledonian University
Goucher College
Greensboro College
Grinnell College
Hamilton College
Hampden-Sydney College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
High Point University
Hollins University
Immaculata University
Imperial College London
INSTEP Study Abroad - London
James Madison University
Johns Hopkins University
Kenyon College
King's College London
Lafayette College
Laney College
LaSalle University
Lehigh University
Lewis & Clark College
Liberty University
Linfield University
Lipscomb University
London Metropolitan University
London School of Economics and Political Science
Longwood University
Los Angeles Harbor College
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Maryland
Mansfield University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Meredith College
Merritt College
Middlebury College
Moravian University
Mount Mercy University
Muhlenberg College
New York University
North Carolina A&T
North Carolina State
North Carolina Wesleyan
Northeastern University
Northeastern University London
Northern Arizona University
Northumbria University London
Northwestern University
Notre Dame of Maryland University
Occidental College
Ohio State University
Oregon State University
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)
Pacific Oaks College
Penn State Brandywine
Penn State Lehigh Valley
Pitzer College
Pomona College
Princeton University
Providence College
Queen Mary University of London
Reed College
Regent's University London
Rhode Island School of Design
Rider University
Roanoke College
Rowan University
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
Rutgers University
Sacramento State University
Sacred Heart University
Saint Elizabeth University
Salem College
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Santa Ana College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Clara University
Santa Monica College
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Scripps College
Skyline College
SOAS University of London
Soka University
Sonoma State University
Southern Methodist University
Southern Wesleyan University
Stanford University
Stonehill College
Swarthmore College
Temple University
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Towson University
Tufts University
Tulane University
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
University College London
University of Aberdeen
University of Cambridge
The University of Chicago
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Delaware
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of Iowa
University of London
University of Maryland
University of Nebraska
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
University of North Carolina - Charlotte
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
University of Northern Colorado
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of Portland
University of Puget Sound
University of Richmond
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of South Carolina
University of Southern California
University of St. Andrew's
University of Strathclyde
University of Texas at Austin
University of Utah
University of Virginia
Ursinus College
Vanderbilt University
Vassar College
Villanova University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Washington College (Maryland)
Washington and Lee University
Wesleyan University
West LA College
Westminster University
Westmont College
Widener University
Willamette University
Williams College
Winthrop University
Wofford College
Yale University
Students admitted (sample list)
American University
Appalachian State University
Arizona State University
ASU - Barrett, The Honors College
Belmont University
Boise State
Boston College
Bucknell University
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Cal State Bakersfield
Cal State Channel Islands
Cal State Fullerton
Cal State Los Angeles
Cal State Monterey Bay
Cal State Northridge
Cal State San Marcos
California Lutheran University
Case Western Reserve University
Chapman University
Chico State
Cleveland State University
Colgate University
Colorado College
Colorado State University
Concordia University
Creighton University
Dartmouth College
DePaul University
DIS Study Abroad - Copenhagen, Denmark
Dominican University
Drew University
Drexel University
Emerson College
Endicott College
Fordham University
Fresno State
George Fox University
Gettysburg College
Gonzaga University
Hamilton College
Haverford College
High Point University
Holy Cross College at Notre Dame
Howard University
Imperial College, London - UK
INSTEP Study Abroad - London
Ithaca College
King's College, London - UK
Lewis & Clark College
Linfield College
Long Beach State
Loyola University, Chicago
Loyola Marymount University
Macalester College
Marquette University
Miami University of Ohio
Michigan State University
Michigan State University - MSU Honors College
Mississippi State University
Montana State University
The New School - Lang College of Liberal Arts
New York University
Northeastern University
Northeastern University London
Northwestern University
Oregon State University
Pace University
Penn State
Pepperdine University
Portland State University
Reed College
Regis University
Roanoke College
Sacramento State
Saint Louis University - Madrid
Saint Mary's College of California
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University
Sarah Lawrence College
Scripps College
Seattle University
Simmons University
Sonoma State University
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Southern Oregon University
Stanford University
Stetson University
Suffolk University
Swarthmore College
Temple University
Texas Christian University
Trinity College
Tufts University
Tulane University
Union College
University College, London - UK
University of Alabama
University of Arizona
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Merced
UC Riverside
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
University of Chicago
University of Colorado - Boulder
University of Denver
University of Edinburgh - Scotland
University of Illinois Chicago
University of Illinois Chicago - Honors College
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Iowa
University of London - UK
University of Miami
University of Mississippi - Ole Miss
University of Montana
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
University of New Mexico
University of Oklahoma
University of Oregon
University of Oregon - Clark Honors College
University of Portland
University of Redlands
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of South Carolina
University of Southern California
University of St. Andrew's - Scotland
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Waterloo
University of Wisconsin
University of Wyoming
Ursinus College
Wake Forest University
Washington College
Washington University - St. Louis
Washington and Lee University
Washington State University
Western Oregon University
Westminster University
Whitman College
Whittier College
Willamette University

ONWARD + UPWARD College Admissions Consulting – Service Agreement
Thank you for selecting ONWARD + UPWARD for your college advising services.
This Service Agreement outlines the professional relationship between clients and consultant (commonly referred to as “counselor”) and sets forth the scope, terms and conditions of your engagement of college counseling and advising services provided by ONWARD + UPWARD.
Student name: ______________________________________________
High school graduation year: __________________________________
Counselor’s responsibilities may include:
Initial consultation with student and parent to discuss overall college planning, admissions expectations and timelines
Review of student’s educational profile, including GPA, coursework, standardized test scores, co-curriculars, relevant diagnoses and career/behavioral assessments for an informed opinion regarding college “fit”
Administration of personality, aptitude, value and interest assessments to guide college planning and self-discovery
Guidance for choosing high school courses and/or pathways
Overview of college entrance exams, testing schedule and referrals to test preparation resources
Advising on how to research potential colleges and degree programs by navigating college websites, identifying pertinent information, and forming educated opinions about suitability
Developing a customized college list based on student interests, skills, future goals, financial considerations and counselor knowledge of available programs, colleges, and higher education opportunities
Essay brainstorming, drafting and strategy approaches to writing original essays, review and editing
Keeping parents/guardians informed of student progress
Exploring student interests, majors and careers during scheduled meetings
Preparing the student to complete college applications
Guiding students to develop a college resume to represent co-curriculars, awards, volunteer and work experience in a way that is engaging and revealing about the student’s strengths and contributions
Helping the student to reflect upon prior experiences as related to applying to colleges, writing essays, and making a final decision for attendance
General information about financial aid resources and attention to financial considerations
Recommendations and tools to maximize college visits
Assistance with final school choice
Support for transition to college, choosing coursework, considering majors and minors
Maintaining membership in and abiding by the highest ethical standards set by the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA)
Counselor’s responsibilities do not include:
Guarantee of admission to or satisfaction with choice of or experience at a particular college, university or program
For student athletes, guarantee of athletic recruitment or scholarship offers at any university or a particular college
Serving as an athletic scout or recruitment coach for any sport
Contacting universities or its employees on behalf of a specific student/family and/or imposing undue pressure on schools for acceptance
Writing essays or filling out applications on behalf of the student
Filling out school counselor or teacher recommendation forms
Placing undue pressure on the student to complete assignments, initiate contact with schools or coaches (when applicable), or choose a particular major or college
Student’s and family’s responsibilities include:
Sharing all relevant educational records
Utilizing counselor’s online personalized student college application management program for primary written communication and documentation of work with counselor
Attending scheduled meetings and meeting agreed-upon deadlines
Securing school records, test scores, academic and personal recommendations, and forwarding them to colleges using the method preferred by the college and/or student’s high school
Working with your school counselor in a positive and proactive manner, responding to all requests for information by school-mandated due dates
Completing applications, essays and portfolios (when applicable) after review with counselor in a timely manner
Providing honest and accurate application information
Completing and submitting all financial aid forms for colleges, seeking guidance from an accountant or other finance expert when needed
Scheduling college visits and interviews
Notifying counselor and colleges of any decisions to accept or decline offers of admission
We are fully committed to your student for the duration of our consulting relationship. Thank you for your family’s commitment to the college process.
Payment Agreement
In order to begin services, client must submit a deposit of 50% of the total package fee
at the time the Service Agreement is signed and returned. (Upfront payment in full is fine as well.)
If the hourly services are agreed upon, a deposit equivalent to 4 hours of payment is due at the time the Service Agreement is signed and returned. Additional payments on packages and hourly fees must be received within 7 business days from the dated invoice in order for the student to continue receiving services. Invoices for second payment will be issued on August 1st, before senior year begins.
Note: Canceling or missing an appointment without a minimum of 24 hours advance notification may result in an additional $100 charge to the client. Frequently missed appointments may be considered a breach of contract.
ONWARD + UPWARD College Admissions Consulting agrees to keep all personal, academic, medical and financial information concerning the client or client’s family confidential except in those cases in which the client’s or other’s welfare is at risk and/or the client’s parents/guardians approve the release of client data.
Service options:
The Comprehensive
The Comprehensive for Athletes
Senior Essentials
The Write Stuff
California Dreaming (UC and CSU only)
Sophomore Add-on
Freshman Add-on
Early Bird (8th grade)
Transitions (post-HS)
Hourly Consulting
ACCEPTED Date: __________
Client: Parent(s) names – printed & signature
Client: Student name – printed & signature
Consultant: Ann Bartron Morris
ONWARD + UPWARD College Admissions Consulting